synergy quantum academy Heramb Nemlekar


Hello everyone! I am a Postdoctoral Associate at Virignia Tech. I work on human-robot interaction in the Collaborative Robotics Lab (Collab) directed by Dr. Dylan Losey.
Prior to joining VT, I did my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California (USC) under the guidance of Dr. Stefanos Nikolaidis and Dr. Satyandra K. Gupta. I also have a M.S. in Robotics from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) under Dr. Zhi (Jane) Li.

I am passionate about developing assistive robot technology that can interact with people on a daily basis and enhance their quality of life. Particulary, I design algorithmic and hardware solutions that empower everyday users to teach and collaborate with robots effortlessly. My research efforts lie at the intersection of robotics, human factors, and artificial intelligence.

Currently, I am interested in robots learning from human interactions. My Ph.D. thesis proposed methods for quickly adapting robot behaviors to the preferences of their human partners by leveraging similarities between different humans and different tasks.

Feel free to reach me via email at


Aug 2024

  • I presented our latest RA-L paper at the 2024 RO-MAN conference in Pasadena, CA. [Link]

Jan 2024

  • I joined Virginia Tech as a Postdoctoral Associate! [Link]

May 2023

  • I successfully defended my PhD dissertation[Link]
    My defense committee 😊

Previous highlights

  • Medium featured my work on transfer learning of human preferences. [Link]
  • USC Viterbi showcased my HRI paper in their article "Robots Predict Human Intention for Faster Builds". [Link]
  • My paper was the finalist for the Best Systems Paper Award at the 2023 HRI conference! [Link]
  • WIRED featured my work on inferring human preferences in an article "Why Scientists Love Making Robots Build Ikea Furniture". [Link]
  • USC Viterbi showcased my ICRA paper in their article "Need help building IKEA furniture? This robot learns your preferences and lends a hand". [Link]

hey-rum name-laker